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Your support is needed. Please submit comments on the proposed mowing policy

Your support is needed. Please submit comments on the proposed mowing policy to – Deadline is Monday 9/27/21 at 4:00 pm.

The Roads Board met on 9/13/21 and the following are comments submitted by The Friends of Rural Roads –
After significant research, it has become clear to The Friends of Rural Roads that other jurisdictions in Maryland and across the nation treat roadside maintenance of Rural Roads differently from the majority of roads that are designed to handle more frequent and faster traffic. This does not appear to be the case with the proposed Tractor and Boom Mowing Policy for Vegetation Control.

Our objective – To be consistent with the values established by the original Rural Roads Resolution and those of Livable Frederick (page 124): “to protect the scenic, agricultural, and historical qualities of rural roads and the adjacent landscape.”

Suggestions — We would encourage DPW to return to their proposed policy with an eye toward an ethic of care, as opposed to “vegetation control”. They might consider the following –

  1. Apply practices that support tree canopy, water quality, scenic beauty, wildlife habitat, noise and air pollution reduction, and tourism along all roads but most especially on rural roads.
  2. Tailor mowing and roadside maintenance practices to the context of the road involved. Low speed, low volume, narrow rural roads would be maintained in a manner that respects the agricultural and forested landscapes where they exist.
  3. Maintain and enhance the multi-use functionality of low speed, low volume rural roads by practices that keep vehicle speeds low rather than facilitating higher vehicle speeds.
  4. Most importantly, the Rural and Scenic Roads Advisory Committee should have the opportunity to review and comment on any proposed mowing policy since implementation of this policy could make permanent, undesirable changes to our rural roads.

If you’d like to read the proposed policy you can find it here –

With your support, we can encourage the Department of Public Works to reevaluate their policy, allow the Rural and Scenic Advisory Committee an opportunity to have input, and make this a policy that supports the rural beauty, environmental benefits, and multi-functionality of our beautiful gravel and tar and chip roads. THANK YOU!

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